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Hírek - Információk

Színház angol nyelven 2012. februr 12.

The American Drama Group Europe is a professional international theatre company based in Munich, Germany, and has performed in major theatres in over 40 countries throughout the world. The company regularly performs in such world-renowned theatres and venues such as Die Akademie der Künste, Berlin, The Chinese National Theatre, Beijing and in the National Theatres of Costa Rica and Malta.
Their success has been in their completely different approach to theatre – fast-moving and physical – keeping even the non-theatre goers at the edge of their seats.
Visit their website for more information and details: www.adg-europe.com
“World class theatre.” The Observer, Britain
“I didn’t know that theatre could be so much fun.” CNN
“The ADGE has established itself as the world’s most popular touring theatre company” CHINA NATIONAL TV