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Erasmus +2017 2018. februr 25.
Pocket dictionary – our joint effort to help migrants!

Education Development Center "Planet" has published its first publication in the form of a multilingual pocket dictionary, which will benefit the migrants and asylum seekers in basic communication.

The dictionary includes five languages (Serbian, English, Arabic, Farsi and Pashto) and several situations that allowes the user to cope with everyday activities of life, such as shops, pharmacies, traffic, street etc.

In the development of the dictionary, professional translators, language professors and several migrants currently staying at the territory of Serbia took part.

The draft of the dictionary was created in July 2017 during a youth exchange in which 40 high school students and 8 of their professors from Grammar school ‘’Veljko Petrović’’ (Sombor, Serbia) Gymnasium ''Koco Racin'' (Veles, FYR Macedonia), Bela III Grammar School (Baja, Hungary), I Grammar school Osijek (Osijek, Croatia) took part.

The dictionary was created as an follow up activity of the project "Open mind knows no borders" ("Open mind knows no borders") within the Erasmus + program, supported by the European Commission. The project „Open mind knows no borders“ brought together 40 young people, high school students, from four neighbouring countries with different ethnic, national, religious, historical, cultural backgrounds to the city of Sombor (Vojvodina, Serbia) united to learn about each other and create an atmosphere of peace, non-violence, respect of human rights in which they can find what connects them despite their differences. They came from the cities which refugees pass through on their way to Western Europe and which are affected by the refugee crisis. Youth exchange was place where they had opportunity to learn about each other and develop values such as cultural diversity acceptance, solidarity, empathy, friendship, humaneness.

The dictionary was our joint efforts to help migrants in easier communication when passing through these four countries or during stay in them.

The first edition of the dictionary is printed in 1000 copies intended for sending to our partners and organizations included in migrant issues in the territory of Serbia.
Pocket dictionary
video link