
Erasmus+ 2018-2021 Iskolák közötti Együttműködési Program
healTH AT School
Tájékoztató / Information
A, Questionaire
Designed to measure the physical and mental health status of students
B, Results of the questionaire
Analysing the physical and mental health status of students
A sound mind is in a sound body-Kahoot
Bullying role play
Health and Bullying
Health crosswords
Mental health grid
Pictures and Songs
Tasks done by Hungarian students that could be used in English lessons to raise awarness about mental and physical health.
3. Messages from Hungary to the Erasmus Partners

4 Erasmus Day
5 Posters to draw attention from our students

6. Covid19 - A járványhelyzet kihívásai/ How to deal with Covid19
7. Egészségprogram - A 2018-2021 Erasmus+ THATS projektmunka eredménye/ Health Program - The result of the 2018-2021 Erasmus+ THATS projectwork
A, Kérdőív / Questionnaire
A diákok mentális és fizikai egészségi állapotának mérése a projekt zárása után / Designed to measure the physical and mental health status of students after closing the project
B, A kérdőív kiértékelése / Results of the questionnaire Analysing the physical and mental health status of students